Older persons in Glover Park and DC
Maps and Facts:
2010 Census Data for Glover Park by Age Group, Sex, Race and Ethnic Group - PDF and Excel Worksheet
2010-2014 Census Data for Ward 3 by Age Group, Sex, Race and Ethnic Group - PDF and Excel Worksheet
Map of Glover Park
Quick health facts about persons 50+ in Washington, DC, 2010
Housing conditions and affordability for the older population in Washington, DC
Profiles of long-term care & independent living in Washington, DC
Washington DC 2020 scorecard on long-term services and supports
DC Info from state handbook of economic, demographic, and fiscal indicators, 2008
Informative sites:
Iona Senior Services
The lead agency in NW Washington, DC for coordinating and providing a variety of services for elders in the area. These include social and educational opportunities, adult day health care, counseling and support groups for elders and caregivers, care management, meals and transportation. The Helpline at Iona for information and referral is (202) 895-9448, Option 4.
District of Columbia Aging and Disability Resource Center
The DC ADRC assists the District's elderly, persons with disabilities, their caregivers, and their families in maximizing independence and improving quality of life by linking people with a range of quality services.
Resource Center
Phone (202) 724-5622
George Washington University National Law Center, HICAP Project
Provides health insurance information, education and counseling services to Medicare beneficiaries and seniors who live in D.C. Also helps with health insurance issues, medical bills, appeals for denials of medical services and obtaining prescriptions.
HICAP website
Department of Aging and Community Living
A website where you can find information about Senior Wellness Centers, other Villages in DC, how to be safe at home, transportation for seniors, nutrition, and how to contact Adult Protective Services.
AARP Legal Counsel for the Elderly
Offers free legal advice and guidance to persons 60 and older. Attorneys and paralegals also appear on behalf of seniors in criminal, civil or administrative actions and proceedings.
AARP Legal Counsel
Phone 202-434-2120
AARP Washington DC
An AARP webpage dedicated to Washington DC.
District of Columbia Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Receives and resolves complaints from residents of nursing homes and other residential facilities serving older persons.
Ombudsman Website
Phone 202-434-2190