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Mitchell Waldrop Presents: Dinosaurs in My Backyard

  • Guy Mason Recreation Center 3600 Calvert Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20007 United States (map)

Village Science Series Mitchell Waldrop Presents: Dinosaurs in My Backyard

Tuesday, March 25th
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Guy Mason Recreation Center

Join Glover Park Village's Mitch Waldrop for his talk, "Dinosaurs in My Backyard." Mitch Waldrop, is a science journalist who writes in ways that everyone can understand and enjoy.

Some 66 million years ago, when a 6-mile wide asteroid hit the Earth and (supposedly) killed off every dinosaur on the planet, it actually missed a few. One tough little band of dinos made it out alive, and left their descendents to populate our woods and fields and backyards today. We call them birds.

Learn how scientists came to believe this crazy-sounding idea that birds are living, breathing dinosaurs -- that they're close relatives of T. Rex and velociraptor, in fact -- and why scientists think that dinosaurs, in turn, shared all kinds of "bird-like" features such as hollow bones and feathers. Learn how birds managed to take to the air. And of course, learn how they really made it through that ghastly day the asteroid fell.

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